Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ Fact Book
Vestal reprint showing specifications of all Wurlitzer organs
Designation: ORG-MISC
No.: 7665
Author/Owner/Origin: Wurlitzer
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 11×8.5, 20 pgs. With cover
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 5/1/2014
No. docs. 1
Wurlitzer Music For Theaters, Supplementary Catalog
Vestal reprint showing six models
Designation: ORG-MISC
No.: 7668
Author/Owner/Origin: Wurlitzer
Pub.Date: 1924/?
Description: Size: 7×9.5, 12 pgs. With cover
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 5/1/2014
No. docs. 1
Alphabetical Index Of Music Contained In Aeolian Pipe-Organ Music Catalog
Adams reprint: list of selections with roll numbers and composers
Designation: ORG-REP
No.: 7661
Author/Owner/Origin: Aeolian Co.
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 5.25×7.75, 40 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 5/1/2014
No. docs. 1
Duo-Art Reproducing Aeolian Pipe-Organ, The
Descriptive brochure with pictures of installations
Designation: ORG-REP
No.: 7660
Author/Owner/Origin: Aeolian Co.
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 13×8.5, one fold
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 5/1/2014
No. docs. 1
Link Orchestral Pipe Organ
Uncredited reprint of a flyer describing the organ
Designation: ORG-REP
No.: 7662
Author/Owner/Origin: Link Piano Co., Binghamton, NY
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 20×10, 2-fold
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 5/1/2014
No. docs. 1
Polyphon Saiten-Instrumente
Catalog reprint with early Polyphon orchestrions & orchestral disc boxes
Designation: ORG-P-O
No.: 7575
Author/Owner/Origin: Polyphon-Musikwerke
Pub.Date: 1907/?
Description: Size: 11.5×8.5, 24 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 1/2/2014
No. docs. 2
Frankfurter Musikwerke-Fabrik J. D. Philipps & Sohne
Uncredited catalog reprint showing large Paganini orchestrions, prices insert
Designation: ORG-P-O
No.: 7576
Author/Owner/Origin: Philipps
Pub.Date: 1911/?
Description: Size: 12×8.5, 56 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 1/2/2014
No. docs. 1
Kunst-Orchestrions, Hupfeld Helios
Uncredited catalog reprint of 24 Helios models
Designation: ORG-P-O
No.: 7577
Author/Owner/Origin: Ludwig Hupfeld
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 11.75×8.25, 60 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 1/2/2014
No. docs. 1
Pianella Musikwerke
GSB reprint of a Philipps orchestrions and pianos catalog with prices
Designation: ORG-P-O
No.: 7578
Author/Owner/Origin: Philipps
Pub.Date: 1912/1993
Description: Size: 7×10, 140 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 1/2/2014
No. docs. 1
Original catalog of pianos and orchestrions with prices
Designation: ORG-P-O
No.: 7579
Author/Owner/Origin: Ernst Teichert, Berlin
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 6×8.5, 11 single-sided pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 1/2/2014
No. docs. 1